Air-conditioned public facilities in greater Glenside

With temperatures this week expected to climb into the 90s, a reminder that public facilities in greater Glenside are air conditioned and can be used as cooling centers.

If you or someone you know is in need of a fan, you can reach out to Abington and Cheltenham townships’ Pay It Forward Facebook pages. Please check in on elderly and/or differently-abled neighbors to see how they’re faring.

Cheltenham Township

La Mott and Rowland community centers and all Cheltenham Township libraries.

Abington Township

Ardsley Community Center and all Abington Township libraries.

Upper Moreland Township

The township’s Caucus and Council rooms and the library in Willow Grove .

Lower Moreland Township

Huntingdon Valley Library.

Jenkintown Borough

Jenkintown Library.

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