Jenkintown Middle High School has been named a recipient of the Computer Science Female Diversity Award, the district announced today.
According to their post, school officials received the following message yesterday:
“Congratulations! Your school, Jenkintown Middle High School, has earned College Board’s AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science Principles (CSP). Through these diversity awards, the AP Program acknowledges 1,153 schools for their work toward improving female representation during the 2023-24 school year. Your school is one of only 847 schools to achieve this accomplishment for AP CSP.”

In related news, the district is seeking alumni to participate in an Alumni Red and Blue Quiz on Wednesday, February 19 to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary.
“The Red and Blue Quiz has been an annual tradition for 36 years, going back to the 1988-89 school year. While our questions are about things students (should have) learned in school, YOUR questions will be about Jenkintown and the world in the time period you attended school here,” the district said in a post.
To participate, you can click here.
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