Glenside Pub Crawl set for Tuesday

After a six-year hiatus, the Glenside Pub Crawl is making a return Tuesday evening.

This year’s theme is “Running of the Grittys.” Participants are encouraged to be creative with clothing options (i.e., anything Flyers orange, Philly mascots, Philly sports in general, etc.).

The tentative schedule is as follows:

5:00pm – 6:00pm: Glenside Pub
6:15pm – 7:15pm: Franklin’s Pub
7:30pm – 8:30pm: Roberts Block
8:45pm – 9:45pm: Keswick Tavern
10:00pm – 11:00pm: The Cork

The evening’s giveaways include 50 medals with miniature “Grittys” on them, beads and other party favors.

For the history and background of the event, you can read Glenside Local’s previous coverage here.