Fighting 69th Irish Volunteers to Place its 100th Civil War Tombstone

On Saturday, November 13th, local Civil War reenactment group, the 69th Pennsylvania Infantry, will be placing markers for seven previously unmarked graves of Civil War heroes.

The ceremony will take place at Lawnview Memorial Park, located at 500
Huntingdon Pike, in Rockledge, PA, and will begin at 9 am and will include musket fire, tributes, Civil War-era live music and speeches by representatives of actual descendants of some of the fallen solders.

The original 69th infantry fought in the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, as well as every other campaign during the Civil War.

For more information contact Don Ernsberger, director of the 69th Irish Volunteers’ tombstone projects, at 215-527-2142 or by email at