Abington Friends student, Jenkintown resident feat in FOX29 snow segment | Upper Moreland schools issue two-hour delay on Jan 20

Casey Smothers, a student at Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, and Darlene Holman, a Jenkintown resident, were featured in a segment by FOX29 regarding yesterday’s snow sprinkling.

“I was going on a run and it just started. It was a little slippery, but it was nice,” he said. “I like a little snow. It’s kind of sad to have a winter that’s just like wet and cold. So at least it’s cold and pretty,” he said.

“Scary. It appears to be icy so I’m like driving really slow,” Holman said about her driving.

Check out the clip:

In related news, Upper Moreland School District has declared a two-hour delay on Monday, January 20 ahead of the forecast.

“We anticipate another snowstorm will blanket our area with several inches of snow on Sunday evening. In an attempt to be proactive and allow our team time to clear snow, the buildings will open at 10:00 AM on Monday, January 20, for any scheduled activities,” superintendent Dr. Sue Elliott said in a post. “This includes the MLK Day of Service to be held at the high school. The MLK Day of Service will run from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.”

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