In its efforts to celebrate Black History Month, Cheltenham Township is encouraging residents to attend several events.
According to a statement from Cheltenham Township, Letters to Aunt Hattie: Featuring Ciera Gardner as Harriet Purvis and Charlotte Grimke is the first of those events. The show will take place tomorrow – Saturday – from 1:00 to 2:00 PM at LaMott Community Center.
“Letters to Aunt Hattie: Written and Directed by Ms. Gigi McGraw,” according to the statement, is “an inspiring one-woman show about the life and work of activist Ms. Harriet Forten Purvis and Ms. Charlotte Forten Grimke. [The show is] based on journals and letters between Harriet and Charlotte. Learn about their work and legacy in the struggle for the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, and equal rights. It also covers Harriet’s efforts to desegregate Philly trolleys and promotion of the Free Produce Movement.”
The photograph is provided courtesy of Cheltenham Township, 2018.