In Other News: Us

In other news

It’s not often media covers media, but WHYY recently ran a piece about a renewed effort to cover local issues. While it prominently mentions our sister site, MoreThanTheCurve, the station tossed us a bone as well.

Meg Mitchell, a librarian from Abington, said she reads the local paper, as well as stories from newer sites like Glenside Local that show up in her social media feeds.

“I get things from the people I know and am connected with. I miss things from the people I don’t know, or groups I’m not connected with.”

When the reporter asked readers which issues stand out as the most important to them, the answers warmed our cockles:

…taxes, schools, infrastructure, environment, public policy, local politics, corruption, The Free Library, gentrification, campaign finance, housing, pipelines, and information about local candidates, as well as local businesses and events.

Essentially, all of the issues that would be covered by a more robust local news source.

“I know we’re not going to go back to one, little, tiny newspaper,” said Mitchell. “On the other hand, I wish there were still a way that there was once source everybody could look at. Then you could be sure everyone is getting a basic understanding together.”

Do you agree? What would you like to see more of? Let us know in the comments.