Holy Martyrs Catholic Church dedicated its Monument In Honor Of The Veterans of the Armed Services, Living and Deceased.
Deacon Christopher Roberts, to the left, is seen here during the blessing of the monument with The Rev. Jason Kulczynski, Pastor of Holy Martyrs Catholic Church, and Mr. Josh Robinson, Boy Scout who helped lead this community effort as his Eagle Scout Project.
The dedication and blessing took place on the evening of November 10th. The Church is located at 120 Allison Road in Oreland.
Parishioners and members of the community joined together at dusk on November 10th to dedicate the Monument In Honor Of The Veterans of the Armed Services, Living and Deceased.
“We are very grateful…to Mr. Josh Robinson for choosing this as his Eagle Scout Project,” the Church detailed in a statement. In addition, the Church recognized “Mr. Michael DeLaurentis for the concrete work; Mr. Michael Eder, the Stone Mason; assisted by Mr. Gary Decembrino, Mr. Charlie Coyle, Mr. Kevin Hiegh, and Mr. Ian Robinson, [all] who generously donated their time and talent to the completion of this project.”
Military veterans provided a gun salute during the dedication ceremonies.
“We also thank Allied Building Supplies and Langhorne Stone Quarry for their cooperation and generosity,” the statement from the Church concluded.
Veterans of the United States Air Force are recognized for their service at the Monument.
The services of the soldiers of the United States Army are recognized at this Monument.
Those who have served in the United States Coast Guard are honored for their efforts to protect the American people.
This Monument honors the men and women who serve and have served in the United States Marine Corps.
Military personnel of the United States Navy are recognized for their service at this Monument in Oreland.
Photographs are courtesy of Holy Martyrs Catholic Church of Oreland, 2018.