Local businesses, enter to win an advertising package on GlensideLocal.com, the number one way to reach the communities of Glenside and Jenkintown and the surrounding area.
GlensideLocal.com has over 110,000+ monthly visitors, 7,000+ followers on Facebook, 1,900+ on Instagram, and 4,300 email subscribers.
The package includes the following:
- Branded article about your company on the website
- Sharing of this branded article on Facebook and Instagram
- Sharing of this branded article through the daily email newsletter (3 editions)
- Email blast about your company to all email subscribers
To enter, complete the form below by May 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced on May 13th. Current advertisers are eligible to win, but value of package can not be applied to existing agreements.