The Cheltenham Township Police Department released a statement this week detailing two burglaries that took place this month at the Elkins Park School:
“The Elkins Park Middle School was burglarized overnight on December 10th and December 16th,” according to the statement. “Numerous electronic items were stolen including laptops, I-Pads, Air-books,monitors, etc. In response, the Cheltenham Police Department had been conducting aggressive extra patrols around the school.”
“On Saturday December 22nd at 12:55 AM, a Cheltenham Police Officer was conducting a perimeter check of the school and observed 2 juvenile males loitering in a rear doorway,” the statement continued. “Both males had backpacks and in one of the backpacks were burglary tools, including a drill. Both juveniles were brought in and confessed to the 2 previous burglaries. A subsequent search of both suspect’s residences resulted in the recovery of a large amount of the stolen school property.”
According to the statement, the Cheltenham Township Police Department arrested “two juvenile males, both 16 years of age – one from the 1300 block of Magee Avenue in Philadelphia and one from the 400 block of Tyson Avenue in Philadelphia.”
As noted in the statement, “The arrest of these 2 individuals clearly prevented a 3rd burglary and resulted in the recovery of a large amount of stolen school property.”
The photograph is provided courtesy of the Cheltenham Township Police Department, 2018.