Exactly one month from the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, students across the nation “walkedout” today to protest gun violence and demanding Congress to approve gun control legislation. Students of Cheltenham and Abington School Districts, joined the nation and played their part in this movement.
Cheltenham High School students at exactly 10:00 a.m., began exiting the school and headed for the football field. A handful of administration and faculty members were present to ensure safety of the students. It was a very calm 17 minute protest run entirely by students. Students council members spoke about the importance of registering to vote and how to get involved. They encouraged other students to contact their state and local representatives to voice their opinions on gun violence. The students then gave a moment of silence in honor of the Parkland victims.
Cedarbrook students also chose to walkout at 10:00 a.m. and many students and teachers had made personal signs for gun legislation . Wyncote Elementary and Elkins Park Schools held a Day of Kindness in place of the walkout.
Abington School District took a different approach to the walkout. Today at 10:00 a.m instead of partaking in a protest, a video, made by several student leaders, was aired throughout the classrooms in the Junior and Senior High Schools, in honor of all the victims of the countless school shootings. A letter was previously sent out to all the parents in which the president of student council spoke about how the student body respects the sentiment symbolism of the walkouts throughout the nation, yet they have decided to instead, take a different route of becoming more civically involved in there communities. So during the walkout time, the students remained in their classrooms and began to initiate their plans to increase civic engagement. The video created by the students is below.