Copper Beech Elementary School student, Natalie Shyanne Snipes, was just recently selected as 1 of 15 recipients across the United States to receive the National 180 Student Award. The award recognizes students under the READ 180 program, who have overcome obstacles to become thriving, successful learners.
READ 180, is a reading intervention program, organized by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a global learning company. The program then honors those students who along with the help of their remarkable teachers, have made outstanding progress in literacy and math achievement, and are now on the path to success.
In 2017, Natalie began her 6th grade school year with a Lexile level of the 300 range. This Spring, Natalie Snipes is now reading with a Lexile of 801, which is the basic range of 6th grade.
The READ 180 Program, has helped Natalie Snipes not only to develop a deeper love for reading but it has also increased her confidence levels tremendously. This confidence has played a big part in the leader that Natalie Snipes has become.
“With all the troubles I had before starting READ 180,” Natalie says, “I feel accomplished. I’m more energetic in reading.”
With hard work and determination, Natalie Shyanne Snipes has been thriving in her reading skills. Her growth mindset keeps her focused on working diligently to become better then the day before. She asks for extra homework often and continues to challenge herself on a daily basis. She just recently sang in the talent show and is now planning on taking honor classes in her 7th grade school year.
“Natalie’s newfound confidence and love of reading have made her a leader in the classroom,” said her sixth grade teacher, Mary Elizabeth Klepper. “She helps others, takes pride in her work, and is eager to continually improve.”
Student winners were carefully selected by an HMH committee based on several factors, including teacher recommendations, student statements and video submissions, as well as data demonstrating reading or math growth according to the Lexile® or Quantile®framework. Each winner will receive a prize, and the student’s school district will receive READ 180, System 44 and/or MATH 180 materials for their school or district.
Below is Natalie Shyanne Snipes video.