The Cheltenham School District released an overview of the Facilities Capacity and Program Study from February.
The study, which dates back to May 2023, intends to highlight forthcoming modernized facilities, some of which have already seen improvements but continue to experience issues. Cheltenham, Glenside, Wyncote, and Myers elementary schools are listed in that category, along with Cedarbrook Middle School.
The plan also includes infrastructure upgrades at the high school and district administration building.
Elkins Park School is listed as “Poor” condition. Possibilities going forward include renovating or building anew the Elkins Park School or closing the Elkins Park school and expanding Cedarbrook’s capacity, with the option to build a new Early Learning Center for younger students.
The cost of a new Early Learning Center is estimated at $53 million.
Cheltenham High School’s condition is listed as “Fair/Poor” condition. Upgrades include the library, gymnasium, pool, Small Theater, STEM Center, and Aux Gym.
The total project is expected to cost $49.4 million.
The district administration building is listed as “Fair/Poor” condition. Options include renovation, renting the space, and building as part of a new school building.
The high school athletic complex improvements include the grass football field (listed as “poor condition”), the cinder track (listed as “well beyond its useful life”), “severely undersized” grandstands, and constructing more toilet rooms for spectators.
The report can be found below:
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Renderings: KCBA Architects