Cheltenham accepting public input for Robinson Park restoration project until July 5 | La Mott Community Center workshop on June 25

Cheltenham Township announced that public input on the Robinson Park restoration project will be accepted through July 5.

According to the announcement, the project will improve water quality, mitigate flooding, and enhance native habitat by daylighting a portion of buried stormwater flow from its current concrete channel and replacing invasive Phragmites with native landscaping.

Cheltenham Township received the following grant funding for the project:

  • $44,000 from the Department of Community and Economic Development’s Watershed Restoration and Protection Grant
  • $75,000 from Pennsylvania’s Coastal Resources Management Grant
  • $363,786 through the H2O PA Grant.

Phase 1 included a survey of the park, performance of soil investigations, delineation of wetlands, and finally, the preliminary design concept preparation.

The township held its first public meeting to present the findings of the above work and hear public feedback on Tuesday, June 11. A second public meeting is expected to be held in September, the township said.

For more information, including a link to the presentation slides from the meeting, you can click here.

To submit your input, you can email Megan Hart, Community Development Coordinator, at through July 5.  

In related news, the township will host a public visioning and programming workshop on Tuesday, June 25, ahead of the design phase for the La Mott Community Center renovations.

The meeting will be held from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the La Mott Community Center, 7420 Sycamore Avenue.

The Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, June 26 for their monthly regular meeting.

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