A zoning change is being proposed for the development of the current site of the Abington YMCA and two additional parcels of land.
The zoning request is being made by BET Investments.
Proposed plans call for senior citizen housing.
The Abington Board of Commissioners will “Consider a motion to advertise Ordinance # 2162 an Ordinance of Abington Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, amending the Abington Township Zoning Ordinance of 2017, as amended, by amending Article VII AO Apartment-Office District, adding H-12 Senior Apartment Units as a use permitted by Conditional Use in AO Apartment-Office District; by amending Article XXI use regulations, adding H-12 Senior Apartment Units as a use; and by amending Article XXIII parking and transportation to include use H-12 Senior Apartment Units.”
The text for the proposed zoning change is included on pages 65 to 76 of the agenda for this meeting. You can view the agenda by clicking on the image below:
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 PM this evening – November 8th – at the Abington Township Municipal Building located at 1176 Old York Road (at Horace Avenue) in Abington.
The logo of Abington Township is courtesy of
Abington Township, 2018.