Willow Grove resident has published an autobiography about his traumatic childhood experiences

Charles “Chaz” Holesworth of Willow Grove recently published an autobiography titled “Life and How to Live It: Volume One: Begin the Begin”.

Holesworth, who works in Glenside, said he was inspired to write his life story after witnessing a member of his immediate family die in hospice in 2019.

“It brought in a flood of emotions and memories of my childhood,” he said.

Holesworth says he was “raised dirt poor by a heroin addicted father and a born again Christian mother.” 

“It was full of trauma that I tried my best to keep hidden inside and keep going through life. Watching my loved one die and dealing with that grief led to me having to get out all of the painful memories I had stored in my mind,” he said. 

He started writing five years ago.

“It wasn’t easy, reliving horrible times but it was also therapeutic to face some of my demons and feel like I accomplished something in my life,” he said. “The story is about hope and never giving up, even when it makes sense to me to do so. Friends and music were my foundation. The belief that I deserved more and I wanted more kept me going.”

Readers can expect future volumes of a “story that is sad, funny and full of ups and downs,” Holesworth said. “Let my suffering be your entertainment.”

From the book’s description on Amazon.com:

Life and How to Live It: Volume One: Begin the Begin is the first volume in the life story of Chaz Holesworth. He was born and raised in some unusual and unique circumstances; he was raised by a heroin addict father and a born-again Christian mother in the slums of Philadelphia. They were dirt poor growing up and had gangs and drug dealers on every corner. This story is to show some of the horrific things that happened to him and how he overcame them and kept moving forward. On his journey of survival, he found his most important outlet in music, especially the music of R.E.M. and Tori Amos. He also found comfort in friends who became like family to him. His memoir is both heart-warming and heartbreaking at times. He hopes to inspire others who may be in dire circumstances to rise above and succeed.

About the Author

Chaz Holesworth was born and raised in Philadelphia. He currently lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with his wife and beloved dog. Holesworth is passionate about many social issues, especially the rights of workers and animals. Chaz also enjoys live music, good beer, and travel when he gets the chance. Life and How to Live It is his first novel.

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