Upper Moreland Township officials announced yesterday that the interactive Draft Zoning StoryMap is now complete.
According to officials, the goal of the project is to implement priority actions from UpperMoreland2040, the Township’s comprehensive plan, by creating a regulatory environment that promotes the community’s land use and economic development objectives.
The township said it has been working with the Montgomery County Planning Commission to update the zoning ordinance and zoning map, and the township’s Advisory Planning Agency has been meeting with county officials to review different sections of the zoning ordinance and map.

Updates have been presented to the Community Development Committee, and a draft of the ordinance and map will be available for public review in the coming months, officials said.
For more information and to view the Zoning Update, you can click here.
Questions may be directed to Claire Warner, MCPC Senior Community Planner, at claire.warner@montgomerycountypa.gov.
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