The Oreland Volunteer Fire Company celebrated William “Satch” Stainesby’s 90th birthday, which coincided with the 74th anniversary of his joining the company following his 16th birthday in 1951.
“Satch has literally dedicated his entire life to protecting his community and all who live and have lived here for three-quarters of a century,” the company said in a post. “He is an inspiration to all of us and to future generations of firefighters who follow in his footsteps.”

Stainesby’s birthday was on Monday, January 27.

In related news, the Fort Washington Fire Company announced its recertification through the Office of the State Fire Commissioner Participating Department – PA Fire Service Certification Program.
“A total of 67 active FWFC responders, or 89%, are nationally certified at the FFI level, with 41 active FWFC responders, or 55%, certified at the FFII level,” the company said in a post. “This has once again gained the FWFC a silver recognition level by the PA Office of the State Fire Commissioner Participating Department Recognition Program, an initiative designed to recognize and encourage certification classes.”
The company noted that 198 of approximately 2,400 fire departments in Pennsylvania volunteer their certification levels to the state, and that 43 of those departments report 100% certification.
“We would like to thank Assistant Chief Eric Clauson for taking the lead on this recertification project,” the company said. “Our training is a reflection upon the hard work and dedication of our members, fostered by a culture that was established by our predecessors. We should all be proud of this accomplishment.”
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Photos: OVFC