Lochel’s Bakery in Hatboro gaining national, international attention for their Election Cookies

Lochel’s Bakery, a family-owned business located at 57 S. York Road in Hatboro, rolled out their Election Cookies earlier this month to much anticipation, plenty of attention, and thousands of sales.

Domestic sources such as the New York Post and Fox News, and international outlets as far as the Hindustan Times (which covers New Delhi, India), have reported on the concept in recent days.

As of Friday morning, the shop said it sold 5,200 Trump cookies and 500 Harris cookies. One-third of the cookies have been shipped to outside states and, according to ownership, almost all the shipments within Pennsylvania have been red.

The bakery has hosted the informal poll ahead of each election since 2012, the results of which have predicted three of the last four presidents, FOX29 reported. 

“We’ve only shipped seven packages of blue in the state of Pennsylvania,” Kathleen Lochel told Fox & Friends First on Friday. The segment is below:

In 2020, the cookie poll gained national and international recognition and helped Lochel’s survive the pandemic. According to ownership, the attention has also helped the town through increased business support, and, while the cookies have brought their share of negativity to Lochel’s doorstep, the family says they have no intentions of stopping any time soon.

From their Facebook post on Monday, September 9:

They waited in long lines and had fun, they also discovered our small town. Again people are driving in for cookies but now eating local, visiting local places and that means small business support! Numerous people have asked to eat lunch or dinner, get items at produce junction and 1 got her nails done yesterday!

Please, before insulting these cookies or mocking us, know that although you may not agree with the cookies, it brings people into our town, it helps support small business and quite honestly if we didn’t sell these cookies in 2020 I don’t know if we’d be here!

I’m kindly asking you, especially the locals who have messaged us and made inappropriate comments on our page or local pages, to think before you put us down. Think about the positive and how a cookie brings new faces into our small town, instead of another town we could easily be welcomed in. How almost every state has had a package shipped from Hatboro, using our local UPS store!

It’s only going to busier at the bakery, so instead of looking at it negatively look at it like, wow a successful business in town not another repeat business or empty building! We should want to surround ourselves and business communities with success, with support. We preach no hate in Hatboro but I’ve gotten more hate locally then I’d ever imagine, over a cookie I’ve sold for numerous elections.

I’m not going to stop selling these cookies because of the hate filled messages and comments. I’m not going to stop posting Tally Tuesday because thousands of people look forward to it now weekly.

Welcome the opportunity to have new customers, new faces and be thankful there are businesses not closing. We feel blessed to have this opportunity to serve so many. We feel honored to have people choose us for all baked goods. We are thankful to all, local and far. Please let’s move on from the hate of cookies and be humbled that cookies from Hatboro are flying out of our store and to different states ❤️

For more on Election Cookies or to place an order, you can click here.

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Photos: Lochel’s Bakery