Jenkintown School District Mask Mandate to remain in place

In a recent email to parents from Jenkintown School District Superintendent Jill A. Takacs, Ed.D., Takacs informed parents that although the Pennsylvania mask mandate for students has been lifted, masks will still be required in Jenkintown schools.

From the email:

“Since the onset of this pandemic, we have closely followed the guidance of the Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH). Montgomery County is currently experiencing a high level of community transmission and mask-wearing continues to be an effective strategy for minimizing the spread of Covid-19. Because of this, the MCOPH, “Encourages schools to continue to require mask-wearing as recommended by the CDC.” Furthermore, they have stated, “We share the goals of keeping our community healthy and keeping schools open for in-person learning, and mask-wearing is one of our most effective strategies for achieving those shared goals.” At this time, there is no change to our Covid-19 practices and protocols. We will continue to seek guidance from the MCOPH and will revisit our Health and Safety plan accordingly, if we move into moderate spread of the virus within our county.”