The Abington School District recently reported that “A community member contacted Dr. Amy Sichel, Superintendent of the Abington School District, expressing her concern over the number of students she saw walking, including crossing streets, while looking at their phones.”
“Dr. Sichel told the community member with whom she spoke that she would see how Abington School District [could] help reduce these instances of distracted walking, as it can be extremely dangerous for both the students and passing motorists,” the School District explained. “With this in mind, Dr. Sichel reached out to Mr. Angelo Berrios and Mr. Daniel File, principals of the Abington Senior High School and the Abington Junior High School, respectively, to see how their schools could address this concern with students.”
According to the Abington School District, “Mr. Berrios came back with an idea to have the students in both secondary buildings work together to produce a public service announcement (PSA) that could be shown as part of the morning announcements. With the help of Mr. Bryan Quigley, Senior High English and Media Production teacher, the students put together an insightful video warning students of the dangers, and accidents that could happen, as a result of distracted walking. Using researched statistics, as well as a bit of humor, the PSA sends an important message of putting phones down and keeping heads up.”
You can view the video:
The video is courtesy of the Abington School District, 2018.