Heading for the Hospital? Check the Price List First

Abington Hospital

According to Quartz.com, a website that describes itself as “News, videos, ideas, and obsessions from the new global economy” recently posted this article about the new law that requires hospitals post their prices.

Under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ price-transparency law that took effect on Jan. 1, all hospitals operating in the US are required “to make public a list of their standard charges via the Internet in a machine readable format, and to update this information at least annually, or more often as appropriate.”

If after reading this article, you’re curious what Abington Jefferson charges for, say, an aspirin, we have you covered.

  • One aspirin, 325 milligrams — $1.85. (CVS price, 1.7 cents.)
  • Tube of bacitracin — $83.57. (CVS price, $4.99)
  • Silicon Head Pad — $283.50

The piece points out that though the prices must be posted, it doesn’t say where. Sometimes a Google search is required. Adding to the confusion, different hospitals give it different names.

“We searched for the name of each hospital, along with the terms “price list,” “standard charges,” “standard prices,” and/or “chargemaster” (as well as using the alternative spellings/phrasings “charge master” or “charge description master”).

Abington Jefferson calls this list the “Charge Description Master”, and it is buried on a page under this hierarchy: Home » Patients & Guests » Payment Information » Charge Description Master

The hospital provides four different spreadsheets with the fees and costs organized by General, Pharmacy, Supplies, and Diagnostic Related Group. The Supplies list alone has 13,476 items.

If you’re curious what they charge for a heart transplant, the average charge is $604,200, which is a bargain compared to NYU Langone’s average charge of $1,698,831.13. Not including aspirin.

If you’d like to peruse this chargemaster for yourself, click here. Just don’t hold your breath waiting for Abington to start advertising sale prices on cardiac defibrillator implants, currently about $200,000.