The forthcoming Giant grocery store on Old York Road in Jenkintown Borough is starting to take shape.
Crews have erected vertical steel beams to create a basic structure for the 50,000 sf building. The concrete parking deck is expected to be poured soon.
According to borough manager George Locke, plans are still on for a November opening.
“They say we’ll be able to buy our Thanksgiving turkeys there this year,” Locke said.
The supermarket is expected to bring over 100 new job opportunities to the local community. As seen from Washington Lane:

In related news, the 25 apartment units for the forthcoming 821 Homestead Road complex are also moving along as planned. Crews are starting to lay brickwork outside of the structure.
Midgard Properties LP, a Jenkintown-based firm, demolished a three-story multi-purpose house and adjacent garage and is in the process of converting a former church into three townhouses as part of their project.
According to Locke, the owners are looking to occupy the units by the fall.
Lastly, representatives from a proposed apartment building at 459-471 York Road, the site of the former Helwig’s Funeral Home, were again denied after submitting a revised application.
Locke said the developers “changed the plans a lot” since being turned down in 2023.
“They asked council to make a settlement with them, but council still wasn’t comfortable with the plans at the last meeting. The decision has been tabled. I think they were short about 17 parking spots.
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