‘Fitman’ Eric Brown: How to make time to work out

“Fitman” Eric Brown, an NGA Pro natural bodybuilder and owner of the Fitman Performance & Physique Center in Roslyn, says that making time to work out requires a person to put a priority on their health, physique, and fitness.

“The most popular excuse that people make when it comes to not working out has to do with time,” the Roslyn native said. “But the truth is that there are 168 available hours in a week. There is plenty of time to train and take control of your health!”

How Much Time Is Needed To Get In Shape?

“At the bare minimum, baseline level it takes 60-90 minutes of training per week to improve your health, get stronger, and build a decent physique with a bare-bones resistance training program,” he said. “60-90 minutes a week is also less than 1 percent of the total time available in the week.”

“Now if you want to build a great, athletic physique that really looks and performs exceptionally, you will need about 4 to 6.5 hours of great training per week. 4-6.5 hours a week is only 2-3 percent of the total time available in the week.”

“For the baseline physique, this is literally two, 45-minute training sessions, or two to three, 30-minute training sessions per week,” Fitman said. “And at the baseline level you will make improvements to your health markers and quality of life.”

“For the athletic physique, this is about 4 or 5, 60 to 75-minute training sessions per week. There is absolutely more than enough time to work out, but the real question is, is there a desire to work out?”

What Holds Up Training?

“The main thing that holds up training is making up excuses not to train,” the NGA pro natural bodybuilder said. “Oh it’s raining, I don’t’ have time, it’s too hot/cold, it’s a holiday, or the Eagles game is on are some common excuses. If there is always an excuse, training will never happen!”

“The fact of the matter is that we only get one body and we’ve got to take care of it or it will prematurely age and break down.”

Fitman says there are two things you can do to make time to work out within the parameters of your schedule.

1) Train At Similar Times

“The first thing you can do is to train at the same or similar times when you work out,” he said. “Making and effort to train at the same time on your workout days helps tremendously.”

“By training at the same time, you will develop a habit that will breed consistency. Sometimes life throws you off your workout schedule, and you may have to train at a different time. But make sure you still do your workout.”

2) Train On Specific Days

“The second thing you can do is to train on specific days. Depending on your training schedule, you should choose certain days that will be your training days. And outside of a major emergency, do not skip training on these days.”

“Citing the weather (especially when it’s sunny and warm) or your favorite TV show coming on or the couch being too comfortable as reasons to skip training is self-limiting and disingenuous. Especially when you factor in the goals you have set for yourself.”

“If you said you wanted a leaner, stronger, and healthier body you must realize that skipping training sessions will not get you anywhere close to reaching those goals.”

“Prioritizing what we want is how we can reach our goals. If we do not prioritize working out than getting into respectable shape will continue to elude us forever.”

Your Time Is Now

It’s hard to get into great shape if you do not have a plan of action on how to get there. Fortunately, we have one of the elite athletic personal trainers in the nation (as rated by Men’s Health magazine) right here in the Abington area.

On Monday, 8/21/2023, Fitman is starting his exclusive 90 Day Fit training program. 90 Day Fit is an intensive, in-person fitness program designed to help you lose body fat, build muscle, increase your strength, and improve your well-being.

Spots are limited as Fitman will only accept 10 serious people into the program.

To sign up for 90 Day Fit, you can click here. When you are working with Fitman you are working with the cream of the crop.

Follow Fitman on social media:
YouTube: @FitmanEB
Instagram: @FitmanEB
X: @FitmanEB 

For more on the Fitman Performance and Physique Center, you can click here. You can also watch this video:

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