Cheltenham High School athletic stadium redevelopment plan reviewed by Montco Planning Commission

The Cheltenham School District submitted a plan in September to Cheltenham Township to redevelop most of their high school football stadium area.

The Montgomery County Planning Commission reviewed the plans and provided feedback earlier this week.

According to their notice, the MCPC “generally supports the applicant‘s proposal” but identified a few issues and recommendations. Those recommendations include a potential rain garden or bioswale for “problem areas” in terms of drainage, adjusting the application’s designation (“K-12 school” vs. “Commercial School”), and a calculation of required replacement trees for those to be removed during construction.

It concludes:

We wish to reiterate that MCPC generally supports the applicant’s proposal. Please note that the review
comments and recommendations contained in this letter are advisory to the municipality and final disposition for the approval of any proposal will be made by the municipality.

Should the governing body approve a final plat of this proposal, the applicant must present the plan to our office for seal and signature prior to recording with the Recorder of Deeds office. Please print the assigned MCPC number (#24-0198-001) on any plans submitted for final recording.

In March, the school district released its Facilities Capacity and Program Study. The recommended athletic complex improvements included the grass football field (listed as “poor condition”), the cinder track (listed as “well beyond its useful life”), “severely undersized” grandstands, and constructing more toilet rooms for spectators.

The study also made recommendations for the high school’s library, gymnasium, pool, Small Theater, STEM Center, and Aux Gym, and the Elkins Park School which is listed as “Poor” condition.

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