Aqua PA requests rate hikes with Public Utility Commission, customer changes begin in July if accepted

Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., which serves Abington, Jenkintown, Cheltenham, Upper Moreland, and Lower Moreland, notified its customers this week via standard letter that it filed a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) on Thursday, May 23 to increase customers’ water rates as of July 22, 2024.

According to the letter, a full investigation of this request by the PUC could delay the rate hike until February 2025.

The notice goes on to detail the request, which includes a total overall rate increase of $126.7 million per year for the company’s water and wastewater operations.

According to Aqua, the increase is intended to cover capital investments in system repairs and improvements since April 2023, and continuing through December 2025.

“Aqua plans to invest approximately $950 million in infrastructure and other service improvements,” the letter said. “The investments Aqua has made in our water and wastewater systems have increased system reliability and capacity and helped prevent service interruptions. The rates you pay for are used for repairs and improvements.”

If Aqua’s request is approved, the following hikes will come in to play:

  • Residential customers with a 5/8″ meter using 3,780 gallons a month would increase from $78.21 to $97.01
  • Commercial customers with a 5/8″ meter using 37,900 gallons a month would increase from $512.33 to $634.36 per month
  • Industrial customers with a 5/8″ meter using 227,600 gallons a month would increase from $2,519.88 to $3,129.86 per month

The letter concludes with actions customers can take, which include:

  • Sending a letter to the PUC (Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105)
  • Attending or presenting testimony at PUC public input hearings (call 800.692.7380 for more information)
  • Becoming a party by filing a formal complaint by July 22 (Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, PO Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105)

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Photo courtesy of TN Ward Company