Abington Police Kick Off Traffic Safe T Program: Learn How You Can Get Drivers to Slow Down

Abington Township will be conducting its annual Traffic Safe-T Program beginning Saturday, September 1, and ending Sunday, September 30, 2018. This program is a community-wide initiative involving the Township Board of Commissioners, the Township Administration, Police Department, residents and neighborhood groups.

The two major components of the program are the following are Driver Education and Increased Traffic Enforcement.

To participate  request a sign from your Commissioner or the Abington
Township Traffic Safety Unit at 267-536-1078. Place the sign, notifying motorists to slow down, on your lawn between September 1st and 30th, 2018. The lawn sign should be removed on October 1st, 2018.

“On behalf of the children and all of the residents of our Community we are asking you to slow down, drive carefully-and obey our laws, stated by the Abington Township Police.