Abington detective feat. in 6ABC’s porch pirate prevention coverage

Detective Sergeant Troy Hummel of the Abington Township Police Department was featured by 6ABC News in a story titled “Tips for fending off porch pirates as packages from big sales, like Amazon Prime Day, arrive“.

Hummel told 6ABC that high visibility cameras on your front porch can serve as a deterrent for would-be offenders.

“Some of the other things we would recommend is possibly a lockbox that you can secure to your porch. And then leave instructions for the delivery person to drop that package off in the lockbox,” Hummel said.

The story notes that Bucks County State Senator Frank Farry sponsored a bill that has since become law to strengthen laws against porch piracy.

“This isn’t just some random act of a juvenile going to someone’s porch and stealing a box. People are literally making a profession of this,” Farry said. “For these people that are following the delivery trucks and going up and down our blocks, stealing our packages, my packages, our neighbor’s packages, it allows that to actually potentially get to a felony level.”

6ABC’s video coverage is below:

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Screengrab: 6ABC