The Abington, Cheltenham, and Jenkintown police departments are participating in the Pennsylvania State Police-organized Operation Nighthawk over the weekend of August 13th as members of the Eastern Montgomery County Impaired Driving Task Force. Operation Nighthawk focuses on getting impaired drivers off the roadway.
2022 marks the 21st anniversary of Operation Nighthawk and this year the initiative will honor Troopers Martin Mack and Branden Sisca who were killed in the line of duty by a suspected drunk driver.
With a focus on impaired driving, the entire operation includes classroom instruction, motivational speakers, and current legislative updates; all of which is followed by roving DUI patrols in the respective jurisdictions of each participating law enforcement agency.
Eastern Montgomery County Impaired Driving Task Force is comprised of the following (participating) municipalities:
• Abington Township
• Cheltenham Township
• Jenkintown Borough
• Lower Moreland Township
• Springfield Township
• Upper Dublin Township
• Upper Moreland Township
• Whitemarsh Township