150 Cheltenham High School seniors forced to retake SAT after provided test with error

Cheltenham High School seniors who were taking the SAT on Wednesday, September 23rd will have to retake the test after an error was discovered in the test materials they were provided. The 150 students were in the middle of taking the test when they were notified of the error and were sent home.

Below is a statement from the Cheltenham School District:

The more than 150 Cheltenham High School students gathered Wednesday at Cedarbrook Middle School to take a senior-only SAT were instructed to stop taking the test during its administration due to a test-taking materials error on the part of the College Board.

Upon learning of the error, the district requested the students be allowed to finish their tests. But the College Board did not agree, stating the students’ tests would not be scored and the test would have to be readministered.

We are aware of the significant impact this is having on our students, who invested countless hours in preparing for this test, and share in their frustration and disappointment with the College Board.

College Board initially offered a retest date of October 27, but the district pushed back to request an earlier date, and eventually the test was rescheduled for October 14. Students will not need to reregister and the retest will be offered at no additional cost to families. Scores will be available by November 4.