World Nativities Exhibition at Glencairn Museum in Bryn Athyn feat by CBS News, open until January

A World Nativities Exhibition at Glencairn Museum in Bryn Athyn was recently featured by CBS News.

According to their coverage, the exhibition features 57 nativity scenes from 30 countries this year.

“Really fun,” Maggie Stine, 19, of Bryn Athyn, who works at the museum. “I’m really feeling the Christmas spirit. I just really love it. It makes me super happy to see kids excited to get into art history.”

The museum will be closed on New Year’s Day and January 10. “Christmas at Glencairn” also featured a Christmas in the Castle Tour and a Glencairn Christmas Sing Concert.

For more information about their events and programs, you can visit their website.

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Screengrab: CBS