
Name of company:

Last names: Nick and Ian are the owners

They have both been roofers for 20 years . They started this business in 2013 and worked primary in Philadelphia doing some jobs in the Philadelphia surburbs and in New Jersey.

They have never had to advertise get most of their business by other client referrals , friends , family and they do a lot of business for JG Real Estate and most of Friends hospitals roofing jobs. It’s just the 2 of them that do all the work. They would like to expand but haven’t had any luck in finding someone that they can trust to work under their business name. They take extreme pride in their work and guarantee that the roof will look meticulous and be water tight as long as it’s maintained whenever the contract says it needs maintenance.

Fun facts – they are huge Eagles fans . All Philly sports of course but the Eagles are our favorite. Both love vacationing in wildwood. Nick has 2 kids 13 yo daughter and 8 year old son. Ian is single. I am Nicks wife and am a school nurse for Philadelphia and Ian’s mom works for the school district and his sister is a Teacher in Philly as well. They both were born in Kensington and moved up to the northeast in elementary school. Both come from large families , both neighborhood guys that truly care about helping people and taking pride in the business they run and the work that they do.