“No Evidence Of A Crime”

The Office of the Montgomery County District Attorney and Whitemarsh Township issued a joint statement today stating that no criminal act was involved in the deaths of two older residents in Fort Washington.

“Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele and Whitemarsh Township Police Chief Christopher Ward announced the closing of the investigation into the December 4, 2018, deaths of Ross and Rhoda Woodward of Whitemarsh Township after finding no evidence that a crime had occurred,” the statement began.

“The announcement comes after the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office released its report,” the statement continued.  “The finding by Deputy Coroner Dr. Joseph Staniszewski listed the cause of death was Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease for Mr. Ross Woodward and as blunt impact injury to the head with a contributing cause of environmental hypothermia for Mrs. Rhoda Woodward.  The manner of death for each was undetermined.”

You can view the previous news article in Glenside Local on this situation by clicking here.


The photograph is provided courtesy of More Than The Curve, 2018.