According to the Montgomery County of Commissioners the Office of Public Health (OPH) will be adulticiding (spraying) to control the adult mosquito population in areas of Abington on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 from 8:15 pm to 11:30 pm.
The spraying will be done where sampling by the OPH and PADEP has shown mosquitoes that carry the West Nile Virus (WNV). For notification of any future spray events sign up with “ReadyMontco” at
The spray event will occur in the areas within the highlighted sections of the map below. Residents within the spray area should consider remaining indoors, closing windows and turning off ventilation systems that draw-in outside air for the duration of the spray plus 30 minutes after.
In July Glenside Local reported that West Nile Virus was found in Abington.
Workers will be using Duet Duel-action Adulticide at a rate of .75 fluid ounces per acre applied with a truck mounted Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayer. The spray will be performed by OPH personnel.
The OPH will work with appropriate agencies to identify, eliminate and/or treat with larvacide, areas where mosquitoes are breeding. Residents may contact the OPH at 610-278-5117 if they are concerned about an area of standing water that may be breeding mosquitoes. The adult mosquito control program will only be used in limited situations to reduce disease-infected adult mosquitoes.