The Jenkintown Fire Department has issued a statement regarding their plans to tactically consolidate Pioneer and Independent Fire Companies going forward.
From the statement:
Pioneer and Independent Fire Companies are moving forward with plans to Tactically Consolidate. The Jenkintown Fire Department currently consists of two fire companies: Pioneer Fire Company as an engine company and Independent Fire Company as the ladder company. There is a Borough appointed Fire Chief of the Department as well as a Deputy Fire Chief. These positions are appointed from Chief Officers of each company by Borough Council as per the existing ordinance.
Neither the Pioneer Fire Company nor Independent Fire Company will be dissolving their charters as a result of the Tactical Consolidation. A reorganization of Officers will occur to allow for one Jenkintown Borough Fire Chief, one Deputy Fire Chief, two Battalion Chiefs, two Captains and two Lieutenants. The assignment/election of each position will be contingent on each officers’ training record, qualification per the department’s guidelines and the approval of the Fire Chief and Council.
With the declining numbers of available volunteers in the United States today and the Borough’s current financial situation, the ultimate goal of the Tactical Consolidation is to (1) streamline the leadership, (2) consolidate the companies’ operational budgets in an effort to cost save the borough and (3) to pool available resources (both financial and personnel resources) so that the Fire Department can continue to provide the most effective public safety service possible to the Borough.
The Fire Department is anxious to work with the Borough and Council to discuss, plan and expedite the proposed consolidation in a manner that benefits all parties involved.
Note: The statement has been issued as a clarification to an earlier statement given by Jenkintown Borough Council, which contained a number of inaccuracies.