“The Journey Home,” a film co-created by Glenside native and 1974 Bishop McDevitt grad Gary Chilutti, has received the 2024 Impact Doc Award in the Inspirational Category.
According to the award’s website, Impact Docs “is an exceptional, truly international awards competition, not a traditional film festival – which allows filmmakers from around the world to enter their documentaries in this prestigious competition.”
The awards “are about helping industry professionals who create fresh, standout documentaries achieve the publicity and credibility they deserve.”
About The Journey Home
The Journey Home is a feature-length documentary film which explores the challenges, trauma and healing process experienced by veterans and their families. It’s purpose is to save lives through examining how suffering service members can heal from trauma such as PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc. It is estimated that 22+ vets and active duty service members take their lives daily.
The film was created by a collaboration between The Veterans Brotherhood and Chilutti. For a preview, you can watch the video below:
Chilutti’s company Films-4-Good is “a purpose-driven filmmaking and creative consulting firm whose purpose is ‘to inform, involve and inspire’.”
Glenside Local readers may remember Chilutti’s musical tribute to alienated dads on Father’s Day.
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