1. Native Plant Sale and Swap

    environment, Hosted By Wyncote Audubon Society, Abington EAC and Briar Bush Nature Center

  2. Took place on Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
  3. Briar Bush Nature Center
    1212 Edge Hill Rd, Abington, PA
  4. Why attend a Bird Town native plant swap? Home gardeners have always generously shared extra plants with other friends. This camaraderie benefits all: the giver gets rid of excess plants and may get a favor in return, while the recipient gets free plants and the knowledge about growing them. A plant swap is an event where many people can exchange plants. The host decides on what types of plants may be exchanged and any rules. Most swaps are bring-one-get-one:  if you bring one plant, you get to take one other plant. If you bring ten plants, then you get ten. Pennsylvania native plants are plants that have grown in PA since before Europeans settled here. They have not been brought in from another area.  For example, Red Maple trees are native to Pennsylvania, Norway Maples are not. At native plant swaps, native species are preferred: DCNR lists for PALBJ Wildflower Center searchable lists for PA . Why native plants?  Native plants help birds, pollinators and other wildlife; and they are easy to grow. The swap hosts can help you choose the best plants for your needs. Learn about Bird Town Pennsylvania, a working partnership of local municipalities and organizations that promote community-based conservation actions to create a healthier, more sustainable environment for birds, wildlife and people. Bird Towns encourage people to make more ecologically-friendly decisions. (source: https://birdtownpa.org/) Tips for swappers:  Please dig plants and pot them in a container at least one week before the swap; keep plants watered; put seeds in a sealed envelope or plastic bag. Label items with the plant name, the latin name if you know it, and any growing or wildlife information. Bring boxes or trays to help take your new plants home. Plant and enjoy!

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