1. Coffee with Steve McCarter at the Real Marketplace

    government, Hosted By Steve McCarter

  2. Took place on Saturday, June 29th, 2019 from 11:00am to 12:30pm
  3. The Real Marketplace Cafe
    8460 Limekiln Pike, Wyncote PA 19095
  4. Please join me for a cup of coffee from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, at The Real Marketplace Café in The Towers, 8460 Limekiln Pike, Wyncote PA 19095. Hear about what’s brewing in Harrisburg and locally, ask Steve any questions you’d like, and talk to me about your concerns. There will be no speeches. No agenda. Just good coffee and good conversation. Real Marketplace Café is in The Towers, Building 1, just off Route 309, opposite Greenwood Avenue in Wyncote. Enter the Towers complex and proceed through the security gate (you won’t be stopped; you don’t need to live in the Towers to enter the complex). Building 1 will be the first building you come to. Park in any space you find after you pass through the security gate and approach Building 1. Enter building 1 and turn right after you pass the front desk. Real Marketplace Café will be just down the hall on your left. The event is free. RSVP at the link below.

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