Capturing Water: A FREE hands-on workshop making art inspired by water!
Arts, Hosted By Cheltenham Center for the Arts and Rebecca Schultz
Took place on Sunday, May 14th, 2023 from 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Cheltenham Center for the Arts
439 Ashbourne Road, Cheltenham, PA 19012 -
Water is essential to life on earth; it is also captivating and constantly changing. In this workshop, we will use two different techniques to create visual representations of water: photographic collage and Suminagashi, the Japanese technique of making images with ink and water. Artworks created during the workshop will be incorporated into Mapping Our Watershed, a mixed media piece by local artist Rebecca Schultz inspired by the watershed in Cheltenham Township. Please join us in June and July for more workshops about watershed ecology and art!
artscheltenhamcommunitycultureeducationfamilyfreefree event