1. BirdPhilly Bird Walk in Tacony Creek Park

    environment, Hosted By DVOC

  2. Took place on Sunday, September 19th, 2021 from 10:00am to 11:00am
  3. Tacony Creek Park
    I st. and Ramona Ave.
  4. It is peak fall migration and there are bound to be some warblers, thrushes and vireos! Meet at the Ramona Ave entrance (40.016572, -75.107705) and walk about 2-3 miles. Dress for weather. For questions, please reach out to birdphillywalks@gmail.com. The event is free and open to everyone. Please sign up through the DVOC website: https://dvoc.org/events/tcp-sep19_1/ Trip Leader: Holger Pflicke

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