Cheltenham Township recently announced a series of events and activities taking place from Friday to Sunday to celebrate Earth Day.
The lineup includes:
Bio Blitz with TTF Watershed Partnership
Weeklong, starting Saturday, April 22, 1-2:30pm, rain or shine, through May 1!
What’s a BioBlitz? Learn more here.
Get together anywhere in the watershed to document your wildlife observations – log as many species as possible using the free iNaturalist app on your smartphone. Add them to TTF’s project page.
TTF is open to partnering with other groups to host events – contact 215-744-1853. If you are interested in leading a BioBlitz event at a site or park of your choice, contact Ryan at TTF ( for training and information.
Rep Napoleon Nelson’s 3rd Annual Environmental Conference
Friday, April 21 from 10am-3:30pm at Gratz College
Talk directly with the advocacy organizations, nonprofits, government offices, and businesses working toward a sustainable future. Panel discussions on sustainable neighborhoods and what our government is doing to protect the environment. Lunch will be served.
Free event, but RSVP required here.
Work Days: Saturday/Sunday April 1, 2, 15, & 16, 10am-12pm, Heavy rain cancels.
Pull and cut back invasive plants, perform trail maintenance, plant trees and shrubs, and more! Meet at the garden shed near Montgomery Ave. Wear closed shoes, long pants, and a hat; bring pruners and gardening gloves if you have them. Contact: Cynthia Blackwood, 215-782-8082 or
Fairy House Hunt
Saturday, April 22, 2-4pm. Rain date: Sunday, April 30, 2-4pm
Children will follow clues to find fairy houses hidden in the various ecosystems within High School Park. Meet at the Shed inside the park, using the entrance off of Montgomery Ave. Contact Friends of High School Park at 215-782-8082 or register at
Community Mitzvah Day
Sunday, April 23, 10am-12pm
Come be part of caring for High School Park! with projects for all ages and abilities! Work will include weeding, spreading of wood chips and mulch, collecting trash, sweeping the long stairs, and even working on some of the new gardens we are planning this year. Wear long pants, long sleeves, closed-toed shoes, and maybe even a hat. Don’t forget to bring a water bottle too. FHSP has gloves and some tools but welcomes you to bring your favorites. Meet at the Shed inside the park, entrance off of Montgomery Ave. Contact FHSP at 215-782-8082. Registration required at this link.
Tree Tender Street Tree Planting Location TBD
Saturday, April 22, 9am start and Sunday, 4/23. Registration required by 4/16, contact Mindy Lemoine, 215-694-0231(call or text) or
What to bring: Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves and a shovel, pruners, and trowel if you have them. If not, we have loaners. If you prefer not to dig, but want to be part of the project, breakfast or snacks for the work crew would be a great contribution. We could also use a volunteer to get on the phone with PA One-Call a couple of weeks ahead. Would you like to organize a planting for your neighborhood? Join this planting day and learn by doing. The next planting is in November 2023.
EAC Trail Fest TOOKANY CREEK PARK/TRAIL(Meet at Tookany Creek Pkwy and Central Ave)
Sunday April 23, 9am-2pm, rain date April 30
Join us along Tookany Creek Parkway for trail cleanup, bird walk, an art activity, and more! Bring your bike or walking shoes and a friend! Contact: Greta Bunin,, 215-300-6343
Friends of GROVE PARK, Glenside
Saturday, May 6, 10am-12pm; rain date Sunday, May 7, 10am-12pm
Remove invasive plants, mulch several small trees, garden by the signpost and wall, and clean-up. Meet at Cherry Ln and Lynwood Ave, and bring gloves and garden tools if you have them (there will be some available if you don’t), as well as your own snacks and a water bottle.
Contacts: Nancy Gujda at 610-304-9533 or
Old York Road Garden Club Plant Sale
In conjunction with an Open House at the Richard Wall House Museum!
Check out Cheltenham Township’s Sustainability Goals!
Don’t Be a Drip, Rain Barrel Workshop
Thursday, April 27 6:30-7:30pm, VIRTUAL
To register, call or email Ryan or 215-744-1853. Sponsored by Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership.
Plant a native tree, shrub, or flower
Whether in your yard or in a container, native plants provide habitat and food for birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. Many local nurseries carry native plants and can help you select one that is right for your yard. You can also check out the possibilities from the National Audubon Society and National Wildlife Federation.
Commit to energy use reduction
Try walking, biking, or using public transportation when possible.
Care for the earth in your yard
Use less fertilizer and less mowing; change to electric or battery-powered lawn equipment, instead of gas-powered.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
There are many ways to put this mantra into action. One way is Freecycle – a nonprofit helping communities reduce trash waste using the thought behind “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Through, people can get gently-used items or give items no longer needed, such as furniture, child-care items, tools, and more!
Additional ways are to composting kitchen waste, repurpose old items or furniture, reuse containers and plastic bags, and recycle following recycling guidelines.