Can You Identify the Car That Fired a Paintball at a Boy in Roslyn?

Can You Identify the Car That Fired a Paintball at a Boy in Roslyn?

On Sunday August 5, 2018 at approximately 1:23 p.m. a 13-year-old boy was riding his bike on Easton Rd in Roslyn. A light colored vehicle believed to be an early 2000s Mitsubishi Galant pulled alongside the boy and fired a paint pellet at him striking him in the side. The paintball left him with a large welt as the car sped off. The boy suffered minor injuries.

The suspect was a passenger in the vehicle and was described as a juvenile black male. The vehicle below  is believed to frequent the Willow Grove and Roslyn neighborhoods of Abington Township. These photos are surveillance video stills of the involved car.


Abington Police are investigating this incident and neighboring jurisdictions have been notified. Anyone with additional information is asked to contact the Abington Police Department Detective Division. The assigned is Detective Phillip Geliebter – 267-536-1112

See report from Fox29 that ran on Monday night.
